Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Legal Process Outsourcing (LPO) In India

Legal process outsourcing in India (LPO in India) has matured to a great extent. There are many players in India that are providing LPO services in India. Some of them are proper legal professionals and institutions whereas others are simply commercial companies that have also expanded their businesses in the field of LPO.

LPO services include a wide variety of fields. These include legal research, case briefing, para legal services, documents management, case research and study, etc. While the cost of such services in US and other jurisdictions is considerably high, the same services are provided in an economical manner in India and other designations.

With the changing landscape of the LPO services, LPO services providers in India need to change their strategy and business model. For instance, there are almost no techno legal LPO service providers in India.

Of course, at Perry4Law and Perry4Law Techno Legal Base (PTLB) we provide the exclusive techno legal LPO and KPO services in India. Our highly sepcialised techno legal LPO and KPO services cover areas like cyber law, cyber security, cyber forensics, digital evidencing, e-courts, techno legal research, etc.

Before choosing a LPO services provider in India, the concerned person must analyse the veracity and reputation of the chosen LPO provider. It is of paramount importance that such person must choose a LPO service provider who can perform the assigned task in an economical, efficient and timely manner.

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