Of late, cyber law due diligence and cyber security due diligence has been mandated by the information technology act 2000 (IT Act 2000) for various stakeholders. IT Act 2000 is the Cyber law of India that prescribes that Internet intermediaries and Indian companies are required to follow due diligence while dealing in an online environment and while providing online services.
Cyber security in India is still not significantly followed by individuals and companies. Individuals and companies in India are frequently targeted by cyber criminals and these individuals and companies suffer looses due to the cyber crimes committed by cyber criminals. The cyber security trends in India 2011 by Perry4Law and Perry4Law Techno Legal Base (PTLB) have proved that India has been lax on the part of adoption of cyber security. Even cyber forensics in India has not been adopted well in India.
The problem lies with India’s national cyber security policy. The national cyber security policy of India has not been formulated keeping in mind the techno legal requirements of present and future India. Further, we have no dedicated computer security laws in India. Although the cyber law of India covers few provisions in this regard yet they are not sufficient to address the requirements of cyber security in India.
We have very few cyber law firms in India and cyber security law firms in India are almost missing. Further, we have very few ICT and cyber law lawyers in India that understand the nuances of information technology. Lack of expertise is the main reason that we have almost nil cyber security laws, lawyers and law firms in India. Of course, at Perry4Law and PTLB we have been providing the exclusive techno legal cyber security services in India.
Cyber security legal practice in India and abroad has great potential and lawyers and law firms must not waste this opportunity. Lawyers and other professionals must undergo practical cyber security courses in India. In fact, PTLB e-learning platform is providing techno legal cyber security courses, education and trainings to various stakeholders. PTLB is also managing a techno legal online lawyers training institute in India. We hope lawyers and law firms would not hesitate to capatilise the emerging cyber security legal practice in India and abroad.
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